
Things You Need to Know Before Installing Encaustic Cement Tiles

June 3, 2022

Things You Need to Know Before Installing Encaustic Cement Tiles

In addition to being breathtakingly beautiful, encaustic tiles have numerous benefits that make them superior to standard ceramic tiles. Flexible, durable, and customizable tiles add aesthetics to any room and can be used everywhere in your home that requires some creativity. From the kitchen's backsplashes to fake rugs in an elegant living space, they've been gaining popularity across the country as a durable, cost-effective method of introducing style to the space. Before you begin installing these tiles, there are some points to be aware of about encaustic cement tiles.

1. How Encaustic Tiles Are Made

If you take a look at the range of tiles on the market, it is a clear distinction between two kinds of tile: ceramic tile and encaustic tile. While ceramic tiles can be purchased at a cheaper price, there is a reason for it. Ceramic tiles are created from clay and are fired in a kiln. They can be coated or not. In contrast, encaustic tiles are constructed from various ingredients (including natural colors, sands, and marble powder) and are formed by pressure. In addition to being environmentally friendly, they ensure that each tile is designed to the preferences of the homeowner.

2. Fully Customizable

One of the reasons why cement tile has been able to stand through the years is that it can be completely customized according to one individual's specifications. Thanks to the materials that were employed in the design, cement tile can be constructed in virtually any pattern, color, or shape. The sweeping arabesque patterns that are vibrant blues are just as easy to create as sharp contemporary lines in trendy grey tones. The possibility of being completely customizable is the reason why many homeowners choose cement tiles instead of ceramic, and it is enhanced by the strength that each of the tiles offers.

3. Colors Are Endless, but Location Matters

While we are enthralled by our tiles, we have to at times acknowledge that they need to be in sync with the natural world. Before you put in your encaustic cement tiles, spend a few minutes to consider the areas they'll be placed. The sun's rays can dull greens and blues, making your gorgeous patio appear somewhat worn. It is recommended to select warmer colors like orange and red or neutral colors that work with all decors outdoors. Indoors, however, you can choose to open up to one of the encaustic tile options and in any color, without worry about it fading.

4. Wall Tiles Can Be Used on Almost Any Surface

As we've mentioned before, encaustic cement tiles could be used in any location to provide some color; however, the surface you're placing the tile on is important. Floor tiles work best when placed on an even, well-made concrete surface, whereas wall tiles are more flexible on their surfaces. Since floor tiles are subject to the brunt of pressure when walking furniture or appliances, they require a stronger installation surface. Wall tiles do not typically require pressure, which is why they can be installed on drywall, plaster, and cement-backed board. It's all about convenience, and our stock tiles can be installed easily on almost every wall area.

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